School Calendar

The Marquand Zion school board has approved and released the 2024-25 School Calendar.

Highlights of the Calendar include:

First Day for Students August 21st

The return of Recovery Days. October 21 & 22, December 16 & 17, and March 10 & 11, 2025

A full week of break at the end of each quarter for students who maintain grades above 70% have no attendance issues or discipline problems.

Holidays on Labor Day, Thanksgiving, New Year's and Easter.

The final day of school May 3, 2025.

All dates are subject to weather issues, and other factors which may cause the movement of some dates.

Please see the calendar for details.

Links are posted on the website both in the Banner section and the PROGRAMS section at the bottom.

Happy Summer, Tigers!

2024-25 Calendar