Inclement weather is coming. Snow, Ice, and Sleet causing havoc on our roads and forcing cancellations, postponements, and closings.
This year when the weather goes bad, listen for the Marquand Zion call or text to notify you of any closings or cancellations. If you're on the call list, you'll get the call as soon as the decision is made. (NOTE: To get the phone call or text you must have a student enrolled in classes, or be a part of the staff or faculty)
Not getting the call? Check the Marquand App!
Download the app from your iPhone app store
OR Android store
(IT'S FREE!!) Then check the LIVE FEED! The app is updated when the call goes out.
Still not sure? Check the website
or our Facebook Page
or check out the KFVS 12 Web page
For more information contact the school at 573-783-3388.