Your Marquand Tigers will be on the radio, Monday, February 17th as they take on the St. Paul Giants in Farmington.
The Tigers- Giants game can be heard on AM 1240 KFMO in Park Hills at approximately 7:00 P.M., immediately following the St Paul-Kingston Girls game.
You can listen online at KFMOSPORTS.COM (Click on the LISTEN LIVE tab at the top of the page) or by downloading the KFMO App in your APPLE or ANDROID (Google) store. IT'S FREE!! If you're in Park Hills or surrounding areas, you can simply tune in to AM 1240 KFMO.
(Clicking on any of the above links will take you directly to the website or to your App Store)
Tune in around 7:00 P.M. and listen LIVE!!
Marquand Zion's own History teacher, Mr. Berry, will be on the broadcast as well!
Broadcast time is flexible. Game may be earlier or later depending on the Girl's game that precedes it.
Marquand Zion Schools is not affiliated with KFMO/B104fm or Odle Media group. Not responsible for the content of the broadcast nor the advertisers therein. This post is for informational purposes only.