Fall School


COVID-19 Re-Entry Plan

Updated last by Board vote on __10/25/2022__

As new information becomes available and at least every 6 months 

 the plan will be updated. 


             The global Coronavirus pandemic has caused many changes in American society.  One change is how we socialize or have in-person gatherings.  The pandemic has added a new level of risk for person-to-person instruction.  The United States Department of Education and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education encourage the reopening of schools for the academic, social, and emotional well-being of the children. 

              As we plan for the 2021-2022 school year, we know Marquand-Zion may be significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.  The two priorities we will use in making decisions are:

·         Providing environments that are as safe as possible for students and staff.

·         Providing an equitable, guaranteed, and viable education.

               The Marquand-Zion School District will be considering all of The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), and the Madison County Health Department guidance and recommendations.

The CDC updated the Operational Guidance for K-12 Schools on August 11, 2022.  The 2022-2023 school year began on August 25, 2022.  The Marquand-Zion Board of Education did not have time to review an updated Reentry Plan for the district.  This local reentry plan has been updated to reflect the changes in guidance from the CDC.


The Superintendent and School Nurse started attending the bi-weekly and then monthly meetings of the Madison County Health Department when they began in early 2020.  The Superintendent also attended the quarterly meetings of the local Emergency Management.  Both of these meetings provided a wealth of information and valuable contacts.  

Members of the Madison County Health Department and Missouri Emergency Management meetings shared information and gave input on future changes to each other's reentry and stay-open plans.  The members included: Madison Medical Hospital (doctors, staff and administration), Stockhoff nursing home, Madison County Health Department, Fredericktown School District, Marquand-Zion School District, Diane’s Residential Care, Waggoner Residential Care, Missouri State Emergency Management Director, City of Fredericktown, Madison County Sheriff’s Department, Fredericktown Fire Department, Madison County Ambulance District, Missouri Highway Patrol, Fredericktown Police Department, Marquand Fire Department, Cherokee Pass Fire Department, Marquand City Hall, Beyer Medical Group, Madison County Commission, and other public departments at various times.  

A group of administrators, teachers, and staff developed a rough draft of the District reentry plan in July 2020.  The Administrator of the Madison County Health Department reviewed the plan and made some suggestions.  The Marquand-Zion team reviewed the suggestions and developed a second rough draft of the reentry plan. During the summer month of 2020, the Board of Education discussed what they wanted in place for a safe reentry to the 2020-2021 school year.  In early August the second rough draft was disseminated through the District webpage and Facebook page.  Printed copies were made for anyone that requested one.  The Marquand team asked for questions, comments, and concerns from the parents, students, and community members.  On August 5, 2020, Teachers and staff called each student’s household and completed a parent questionnaire.  Approximately 75% of the student population prek-12 completed the questionnaire.  The Marquand-Zion team collected all of the above data and addressed the concerns and comments in a final rough draft.  The #1 comment and concern was that students should not be required to wear masks all day at school.  During the August 18, 2020, Board of Education meeting the 2021 Marquand-Zion Re-entry Plan was discussed and finalized.  The plan was for in-person instruction.  

  August 27, 2020, was the first day of the 2020-2021 school year.  On the first day, only 5 students were kept out of school by parents because of the worry about COVID-19 transmission.  By the end of the first quarter, only 2 students remained out of school.  By the end of the third quarter, there were no students out for fear of COVID-19 transmission.   

There were minimal amounts of students out for quarantine or isolation during the school year.  Only three student cases could be traced back to the school as a point of contact and in all three cases, the students had been in contact with a COVID-19-positive individual outside of school also.  The District implemented the AMI-X plan and the virtual instructional platform (SWYE360) was deployed when the students had access.  The local Board of Education, administration, staff, parents, and various community members feel that the mitigation plan implemented worked for our school and community.  In-person learning took place from August 2020 through May 2021 at Marquand-Zion.

Throughout the summer months of 2021, the Marquand-Zion Board of Education discussed recommendations from the CDC, Missouri DHSS, Missouri DESE, Madison County Health Department, and the local district Reentry Plan Committee.  The final plan was Board approved on August 17, 2021.  

The ESSR III mandates that the Safe Reentry Plan be reviewed and revised as often as necessary but, at least every six months.  The Reentry Plan Committee met on December 15, 2021, to make recommendations to the Board of Education on revisions of the plan.  The Board of Education was provided recommendations from the Reentry Committee and District Superintendent Scott Blake.  The Board was provided emails and/or letters from DESE, MSHSAA, MSBA, MASA, Attorney General Eric Schmitt, and the Madison County Health Department.  The Board was provided information from District legal counsel at Mickes, O’toole, and associates.  The Marquand-Zion  Board of Education approved the original ESSR III Safe Reentry plan on December 16, 2021.  The plan has been updated as needed, but at least every 6 months.


 ·         Parents should screen their child each morning before school for the symptoms below.  Staff should self-screen each morning prior to coming to work for the symptoms below. 

 Anyone with the following symptoms who have a fever (100 or higher without fever-reducing medication) will be asked to stay home and report the absence to the school.  Staying home when sick can lower the risk of spreading infectious diseases.  Additional symptoms to screen for are:  

• Fever or chills  (100 degrees or higher without fever-reducing medication) 

 • Cough                • Headache         • Muscle aches           • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

 • New loss of taste or smell              • New runny nose or congestion       

 • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing                        • Sore throat    

Close Contact Quarantine and Isolation

Children and staff with known close contact with COVID-19  should stay home until the school nurse or designee can speak with them.  The following procedures will be followed when figuring out the number of days a student or staff member is in quarantine.  

  1. If you test positive for COVID-19 (Isolate)

  1. Stay home for 5 days, the count starts on the day symptoms began.

  2. Parents should call the school and the student will be put on Homebound.  While on Homebound the student will not be counted absent but, is required to complete assignments and stay in contact with the teacher.

  3. If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you may return to school.

  4. The school encourages the individual to wear a mask for 5 days upon return.

        2.  If you were exposed to someone with COVID-19 (Quarantine)

  1.  The school encourages the individual to wear a mask for 10 days.


                                                  Determining the Level of District Burden

      The Marquand-Zion R-VI Board of Education will make decisions regarding the Districts level of burden.  The Board of Education will mainly use the level of positive Covid-19 cases within the local school district community and consider the level of cases in Madison County.  The Superintendent will inform the Board President of any spikes in the number of Covid-19 positive cases, students and staff, in the district.  The Board President or any other Board member can then use existing Board Policies to call a meeting to change the District’s level.


Low or Blue Level

                      BUILDING ENTRY

                               The building will not open up before  7:30 a.m.  Classes begin at 7:45 am and school             

                   releases at 3:15 pm. 

·         Students with a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above and/or that show signs of the Coronavirus will see the nurse to discuss symptoms.  The nurse will decide if the student needs to be tested or sent home.  The nurse will call and speak with the parents.  Students will go to a designated area to wait for the ride and/or be tested.


·         All attendance policies will be followed as stated in the Student Handbook.  Please do

 not send your child unless they have been fever free for 24 hours, without any fever-reducing medications.   This increases to at least 72 hours if they have a positive        


COVID-19 test or have been in close contact with someone that has tested positive.

 ·         All grading practices will follow the student handbook.  


·         Students will be allowed to wear a mask when at school.  This is a personal decision.

·         Teachers will instruct and review with students the proper techniques of handwashing.  Students will be asked to frequently wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer.  Frequent reminders to wash their hands using the fingertip-to-wrist method.

  • Teachers will instruct and frequently review with students proper respiratory etiquette.  


Moderate or Yellow Level

             The Marquand-Zion School District will use all of the Low / Blue Level mitigation measures and add the following mitigation measures:

              Students above second grade will be highly encouraged to wear face masks when outside the classroom and not eating.


               Off-campus traveling of students will be limited.


Substantial or Orange Level

The Marquand-Zion School District will use all of the Low and Moderate Level mitigation measures and add the following mitigation measures:             


                    Large gatherings and assemblies will be limited.

      Teachers and staff will be encouraged to wear a mask

                    On-site visitors will be discouraged.  


                    Individual and Districtwide virtual instruction will be considered.  


High or Red Level

The Marquand-Zion School District will use all of the Low, Moderate, and Substantial Level mitigation measures and add the following mitigation measures:

There will be no outside visitors allowed inside the building.    

The Athletic Director will notify the other team.  All sports and extra-curricular activities will be canceled.   

Food service will be provided to all students and eligible children in accordance with the food program the district is enrolled in at the time.

* The Board of Education has the authority to move or enforce more restrictive mitigation measures to ensure safety.


             Students and staff that are not feeling well during the school day will visit the school nurse.  If the nurse determines the student or staff member is symptomatic, he or she will require immediate isolation.  The nurse will offer COVID-19 testing to the staff member or parent of the child.  Positive staff results will require staff members to be sent home.   Positive student results will require parent notification and to be sent home.  Refusal to take the test will result in staff members being sent home and the child’s parents being notified to pick up their child.  The school nurse will determine when the staff member or student may return and may require a physician's release.  If the test is negative, the school nurse will determine if the staff member or child is well enough to stay at school.


The electrostatic sanitizers will be used throughout the buildings each evening.  After each meal service, the kitchen staff and custodial staff will wipe the tables with a bleach solution or other sanitizing solution.  Hands-free hand sanitizer stations have been placed at each entryway of the buildings and in each classroom.  

Maintenance has installed hands-free faucets, paper towel dispensers, soap dispensers, and flushers for each restroom except the elementary where the flushers will not adapt to the current system.  

Ventilation is an area that the district continues to work on.  The district replaced 6 HVAC systems and installed a new HVAC system for a middle school classroom in the 2020 school year.  The district has replaced the windows and doors in the middle building to allow easy access to fresh air and better ventilation.  The art room got new flooring and a drop ceiling to allow better cleaning and ventilation in the room.  The music room got a drop ceiling to assist with ventilation in the classroom.  Every classroom and the Nurse’s Office has a room air purification system.



Any student or staff member with a written doctor’s order on file at the district, stating that wearing a mask is a health issue for them, will be exempt from wearing a mask.  




The decision to close school may be made to prevent the further spread of an epidemic, or in response to the high student and/or staff absenteeism.  The Board of Education will make school closure decisions based on data collected and recommendations from the Superintendent. 

    Things that are considered by the Board of Education before a School Closure is considered:



- High or Red Level 

- Student absenteeism is over 40% for two consecutive days.

·         Teacher/Staff absenteeism is below what is necessary to maintain a safe learning environment.

·         Number of the confirmed case(s) of COVID-19 in school and/or community



Instruction During School Closure


             When the decision to close school for COVID-19-related reasons, the students will be required to complete assignments given through online or in packet dissemination.  When school is closed the notification will instruct parents and students on how to proceed.  The amount of hardcopy or technology-based assignments will depend on the grade level and standards the students are working on at the time.  Technology hotspots will be set up at the Marquand High School Parking Lot to assist students in connecting to the internet.  Grade levels requiring technology-based assignments will have chrome books available for student check-out/use.  The district has purchased individual home hotspots for students and staff to use during any isolations, quarantines, or school closures.

Instruction of Disabled Students during School Closure

Students with a disability,  Individual Education Program (IEP), or 504 Plan often receive additional services, accommodations, or modifications that allow them to achieve academic success.  The teachers, staff, and related service providers will implement the current disability plans, IEP, or 504 plan during any school closures.  Appropriate forms have or will be completed to direct how special education services, accommodations, or modifications will be provided during school closure. 


The Marquand-Zion School District has worked with the State of Missouri to provide the antigen testing.  Testing is for symptomatic or close contact students and staff.  The school nurse and designees have completed all of the training and will follow the testing guidelines.  The individual being tested will follow the nurse’s directions.  The individual will wait in designated area.  Once the isolation room is ready and the nurse has all the necessary PPE in place, he or she will open the door and escort the individual to the isolation room.  A signed permission slip must be completed prior to the nurse proceeding with the test.  Parent signatures are required prior to testing.  The test results will be known in 15 minutes.   

Plan Dissemination and Clarification

The Marquand-Zion School District Re-entry Plan will be on the District website homepage at www.mz.k12.mo.us.  Information on where it may be found will be posted on the District's Facebook page and other social media.  A hard copy may be requested at the Superintendent’s Office 205 E. Morley Street  Marquand, MO 63655, or by calling (573) 783-3388.

If you or anyone you know is in need of clarification or a copy in their first language, Please use the above contact information.  A copy of the plan or an interpreter will be provided.  

Plan Review and Updating

The members invited for this planning team include the following:

Scott Blake - Superintendent, Elementary Principal, Director of Special Services and Federal 

Program, Title IX, Public Information Officer, Compliance Officer, English as a Second 

Language (ESL) Coordinator

Sabrina Doublin - 6-12 Principal, Safety Coordinator, and Homeless/Migratory Coordinator

Donna Greer -  Counselor, 504 Coordinator, Complaint Officer, and Assessment Coordinator

Kenny Whitener - Director of Transportation and Maintenance/Custodial, and asbestos officer

Bryant Steffens - P.E. teacher, volleyball coach, and Athletic Director

Mekesha Rhodes - 3rd-grade teacher and Curriculum Coordinator

Rhonda Denman - bookkeeper and MOSIS coordinator

Sonja Long - Parent

Lynn Blake - Parent

Kathy Hawn, RN. - School Nurse

The members will be kept apprised of changes at the Federal, state, county, or local level.  A meeting will be convened as the need arises, or a minimum of at least every 6 months, to discuss any Federal, state, county or local level concerns or changes.  The Superintendent and School Nurse will continue to attend the Madison County Health Department provider meetings.  The Superintendent will attend the State Emergency Management Agency meetings.  Information from these meetings will be shared with the team members.  

Additional Information

Approximately 50% of the educators and staff were vaccinated in the Spring of 2021.  A local pharmacy provided a clinic at the school for the vaccine.